Nattalee K. Lillico

Dear Reader,
Type: Generator
Profile: 6/2
Location: San Francisco Bay Area, California
Phone: (707) 888-3569
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Overview Reading: NA
Foundation Reading: $150
Classes Offered: Free Monthly Tele-gathering, Living Your Design upon request
It would be a pleasure and honor to introduce or enhance your experience of the Human Design System. Human Design is a rich, detailed, logical system which reveals your soul purpose, unique essence and so much more. A trained Human Design Analysts can look at your chart and uncover layers and layers of your genetics revealing your seat of power. The benefits come from your willingness to experiment or ‘testing out’ the system. My clients consistently report back after their session with me they have a deeper sense of self, feel more calm and confident, and notice their ability to make better choices.
Human Design can answer many questions (some you may not even know you have) about your life and your relationships. As you experiment, you may find you only have to make minor adjustments to the way you operate. For others, you’ll notice you’ve had things turned around backwards. The only way you'll know is to try it. I’ve been experimenting with my Type, Strategy and Inner Authority since 1999. I was one of those people who had things turned around backwards. By practicing my Strategy and Inner Authority I know what people, places and situations are in harmony and when it is not. Human Design has improved every area of my life, especially my relationships & my vitality. I look forward to being of service to assist you in doing the same.
I'm a 6.2 Sacral Generator, Left Angle Incarnation Cross of Healing. I've been a transformation coach, business consultant and trainer since 1996. I provide unique guidance; with Human Design as my window, for those who want to step forward with confidence and clarity both personally and professionally.
Visit my website for more details about my services and free resources including: tele-gatherings, recordings and articles.
I look forward to connecting with you.
Yours by Design,
Nattalee K. Lillico
Transformation Coach
Human Design Analyst
Intuitive Advisor

Professional Certifications: Foundation Analyst, Living Design Guide