Francis Bliven

My focus in studying and teaching the Human Design System is on the basic elements of Profile, Type, Strategy, Authority and the Nine Centers. I strive to help people see what their Strategies with nuance and practicality. I hope to explain Human Design concepts with everyday language in an empowering way. I have been studying the system since 2003. My most recent projects were writing the Bodygraph and Profile reports that are sold through Human Design America. I like the medium of the reports because of their limited scope and how that challenges the reader to make the ideas their own.
Type: Manifesting Gen.
Profile: 2/4
Location: Oakland, California
Phone: (505) 603-4946
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Overview Reading: NA
Foundation Reading: NA
Classes Offered: NA

Professional Certifications: Living Design Guide