Disha Prem

I came across with Human Design almost more then a decade ago through a friend and explored it. That exploration and my deep satisfaction with it builded up a great passion in me which took me to the level of being trained by International Human Design School. Many years before that I was already practicing mindfulness. And I was trained with various consciousness and awareness tools. Childhood Deconditioning Work, Family Constellation, Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, Mindfulness Practices, BodyMind Balancing, Chakra Streams, Conscious Relating, Reiki, Feng Shui, Zen Counseling Skills were some of the many. Experiencing Human Design and completing my final professional training with Genoa Bliven helped to decondition myself layer by layer even on a much profound level. And, supported me to recreate myself in each moment and consequently to become more and more me. And it still does. Human Design is a brilliant tool that helps the evolution of ones' consciousness. It is my joy to be part of such a great community and to be able to share a tool that can create a great awareness in the individuals and consequently in the world we live.
Type: Manifesting Gen.
Profile: 3/5
Location: Miami, FL
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Overview Reading: $75
Foundation Reading: $150
Classes Offered: NA

Professional Certifications: Foundation Analyst