Carol Zimmerman

Type: Generator
Profile: 4/6
Location: Los Gatos, California
Phone: (408) 399-9994
Overview Reading: $150
Foundation Reading: $200
Classes Offered: Living Your Design, Rave ABC, Rave Cartography, LYD Guide, Introduction to HD for coaches, Transcending Melancholy
Remember that moment when you felt you were winning in your life? How did you feel?
Did you feel energized, joyful, loved, appreciated? Did you feel you were making a difference, truly seen for your gifts, and able to guide others? Was there a sense of accomplishment? Were you perhaps contributing to the creation of something or to someone? Did it stir something inside you? Did things seem to flow without the normal struggle as if everything was on track and synchronized?
Hello, my name is Carol Zimmerman. My guess is at that time you were operating in alignment with your own unique Human Design perhaps without realizing it. You actually tasted what it is like to Live Your Design!
Sadly, most people don't experience those magical moments often enough. Perhaps you've tried to recreate those times unsuccessfully wondering what the secret was.
Supporting my clients to take the mystery out of those moments and clearly see the cause and effect that exists between living their Human Design and every aspect of their life is EXACTLY what I believe my role as an IHDS Certified Human Design Professional.
The strategies that you are provided when you first get your initial Human Design reading seem simple... and they are. But I know from my own de-conditioning process that integrating them into your life requires mastering some subtleties that exist within your own design and figuring out how to relate that to the complexities of your life.
It isn't easy to do this initially by yourself because you are still operating with a lot of automatic behaviors and beliefs. Having the support of an observant guide, as well as others going through this process at the same time, can help you go beyond an interesting self-discovery exercise and create a structure that supports transformation in your life. It didn't take an hour to create the framework you are currently operating under. So why not take some steps to get support so you continue learning and experimenting?
Finding Human Design and supporting others through my knowledge of this vast System is a dream come true for me. It fits perfectly with my passionate belief that all of us were born as unique individuals because our world needs very unique contributions from multiple sources. If you are not living your piece of the master puzzle, you may not be experiencing the pure joy that is your birth right. You are also leaving an empty puzzle piece in life which no one else can fill.
You can learn more about me and the many services I provide at my website, or at where I am a long time faculty member.
I am also a professionally trained Master Certified Coach through the IAC (International Association of Coaching) and a Board Certified Coach through the Center for Credentially and Education. I apply my extensive Life and Business coaching skills with a focus on supporting my client’s to maximize their specific human design within their life, relationships, careers, and financial lives. And I am also in the process of completing my Advanced Rave Psychology and PHS/Primary Health System certifications as a Holistic Analyst so that I can further enhance my client’s mental and physical well-being.
So are you ready? If you inner authority says yes to me as your Human Design professional, let's authentically focus on living our designs! I'd love to hear from you. Email me and let me know what you are looking for.

Professional Certifications: Foundation Analyst, Family Analyst, DreamRave Analyst, Living Design Guide, Senior Teacher, BG5 Consultant